
Our fish

French and Hungarian carp

French and Hungarian carp

French and Hungarian carp are limitedly scaled carp but carp that can reach huge sizes.

Grass carp

The grass carp belongs to the family of carp species. It does not occur naturally in the Benelux, but has been released into various waters to eat aquatic plants.

So the grass carp is a real gardener and takes care of keeping the bottom and grass edges in our ponds.

Heavily scaled mirror carp

Heavily scaled mirror carp already speaks for itself; a tremendously beautifully drawn carp where each carp has a unique print.

Villedon carp

Villedon carp is the high-built mirror carp. Thick bellies and high backs characterise these beautiful carp.

Siberian smooth-bellied sturgeon

The Siberian smooth-bellied sturgeon also known as the Acipenser baerii.
The Baerri sturgeon can reach a length of up to 200 cm.
Typical of this fish is its long pointed snout.

Albino catfish

The albino catfish is a picture in our pond. At 110cm long, it's a cannon in the water. And a joy to photograph. Will you be the one to get this fish on shore?

Marble Catfish

The European catfish, with lengths rising to 1.58 metres, are perhaps the biggest fish in our ponds, will you be the one who knows how to get these monsters out of the water?

Diamond Sturgeon

The diamond sturgeon, or Russian sturgeon, is best known by the name ´Donausteur`.

This is a large, bulky fish but very strong, these fish can reach a length of 2 metres.
Once on the hook...........